wedding day pictures – the solemnization

Hi friends!

This is going to be a long one! If you haven’t seen the pictures taken before this solemnization, please check out the links below!

The preparation

The Gate Crash

The Traditional Tea Ceremony

After some photo taking at the hotel, we took off in 3 cars to Toucan Irish Pub at Duxton Hill. I wanted only Baby’s Breath and Anna from Spellbound Weddings, along with Ellie, took care of all that flower arrangement for us! She also took my scrappy DIYs and displayed them in manners that far exceeded my expectations.

our reception table

our pretty receptionist!

for a simple tutorial to this bunting, click on the picture!

cute signage by Anna!

On that little tree by the left is where we hung pictures of both of us, instead of printing them out on a photo book

one of our favourite photos out of the 20ish we picked out from our travels and engagement shoot. click on the picture to see some of the engagement pictures we took ourselves!

the wedding favors - click on the picture for these tutorial!


little turquoise guitars and ribbons on doilies and hanging tealights


the aisle to the altar, lined with lotsa Baby's Breath

I had 8 of these little bubble bottles to be used as confetti after the ceremony. Note to everybody, you need more bottles than that! click on picture to see my notes on confettis!

Rock n' Roll is not dead - because for that one day, it's the 50s and the events that led to the song American Pie has not happened yet

I'm so glad I found these shoes, special thanks to Ching! Though if anyone of you out there is having an outdoor wedding, please buy those heel protectors. I had our initials lined out with crystals underneath the shoes, those along with the heels are knackered by the time the evening was over. click on the picture to see the one thing I should had gotten for the heels before the wedding but didn't and am now realy regretting that decision

You know I'm really happy when my smile turns into a grimace and all the facial lines and muscles are pushed into slight aesthetically-uncomfortable positions

You know I'm ecstatic when I start to guffaw with those MGM lion roar

the bridesmaid and the best man!

this and the next 2 pictures were taken during our brief rehearsal

while guests are arriving, I was off to do some last-min touch ups, redo my hair piece and attach the birdcage veil. Guests were encouraged to take photos at the photo booth we set up. We thought we prepared enough props for the photo booth - fun retro eyewears, blackboards and markers.. etc. Anna surprised us with more eyewears and a couple of boas. Isn't that service excellence or what!

the backdrop for our photo booth with the poster I did myself.. colour came out wrong actually but since it was already printed, it will be a shame for me to waste it just because of a slight off with the colours.. click picture to see part 1 of the pictures we took at the photobooth!

... and so begins the wedding solemization. leon our best man with anna our wonderful decorator

leon looking more tense than the groom

my mum walked me down the aisle to the music "In Time Love Comes" specially composed by our friend Tze. To listen to our march-in song, click on the picture!

Note to all future grooms, please say " I do" to your bride, not to the Pastor nor the Justice of Peace. For clarification, he did say that to my face, this is an example of how it would look like if you forgot

stefan repeating his vows to me, mostly about how I irritated the hell out of him

i stuck with the safer choice of for better or for worse

it's comforting to see that I'm not the only one with double chin

thanks to all my 'bubble generators'!

an oh-so-sweet and beautiful poem written for us by our friend Ganesh... fitting for this picture 'cause he's in it!

and then it was time for the bouquet tossing

it took me at least 3 tries to get the toss right. the first few times stefan was always there to catch my stray-flying bouquet

and Ellie was the lucky girl who caught the bouquet!

More pictures from that evening coming up next!

I’d love to hear from you, please drop some comments!

Lotsa love & hugs,


* All photos by Jan


geesh! we never had our own poem before

This guy is an artist! Thanks, Ganesh, for this one!

picture taken by Jan - some kind of Beautiful

The Witness

I saw love today,
She was a beautiful thing,
She was Awe Inspiring,
When She Walked,
Through a shared kiss,
I saw Faith,
I saw Fervour,
I witnessed a Man’s Bliss…
What i have,
I place in prayer,
That love like that,
Stays Still forever,
That they remain,
Love’s Astute Tower,
That in Their Union,
Their Fears Will Cower,
Love is a Gift,
Unlike no other,
May love Always Be,
Their Live’s Signature….

{ Ganesh Perumal }