a hand bouquet of rolling good fun

The true object of all human life is play. Earth is a task garden; heaven is a playground.

{ G K Chesterton }

If you remember a post some time back where I experimented making my own hand bouquet for my own d.i.y. photoshoot, here’s a hearty pat because I’m revealing it to you now!

(Well, of course if you have received our invitation, you would already have seen it.)

So first, it started with a  simple idea like this one.

Then, I started buying materials and made bunches of fabric flowers. Mixed and match a little bit, learnt how to tie a perfect bow and ta-da, here’s the result!

I’ll be having a real flower bouquet on the actual day, all the better to toss with! All the single ladies, put your hands up!

not counting sheeps

My heart is beating faster, if you know how I hate exercise, then you will know this is not because I just had a cardio workout.

I can’t sleep either.

And I’m wondering if I’m having an episode of the wedding  jitters.

I blame it on sleepless nights like this one, when my mind can’t help running amok, dashing through a thousand scenarios of What Ifs, of what can happen or won’t happen. I’m concerned that we still have not managed to secure a pastor. Please God, let me have one. I worry about guests not having enough fun, by ‘guests’ I really only meant our closest friends and family members and so this worry is really real and important to me.

And there are the logistics to think about. I really need to talk to my wedding planner.

The logical side of me is telling me “que sera sera”, I can’t really help it if things do go wrong, can I? And then I think, my jitters aren’t even half as severe as most brides’, which probably is unwittingly an open invitation for disaster – I know how behind I am in all these planning.

Before now, I had hoped that switching on the lappie, glaring into harsh light of the monitor and trying to make out the characters on my charcoal keyboard in the midst of darkness will at least tire my eyes out, which will in turn invite the Z monster. Well, I know now for a fact that this method doesn’t work! Next time I will just let my sprinter thoughts waste their muscles to somnolence.

Alas, you have to read through this… thing with no conclusion, I feel bad. So here goes, a series of pictures from our trial photoshoot. I think these describe our relationship perfectly.

who doesn’t have a computer?

Well, if you don’t (maybe you were drinking hot soup in front of your pc watching Desperate Housewives when your tongue got scalded and you spill your soup over the keyboard, creating sparks that burnt down your entire pc), given the benefit of doubt, you better get yourself one because I’m sending out my invitation… electronically!

It was not an easy decision to make when, everywhere I look, beautifully printed/letterpress invitation cards just beg to be framed. Realistically, how many of us really keep an invitation card? I can’t bear the thought of paying for cards to be printed and then knowing they get dumped. The trees, people, think about the trees!

And I thought, I can create my own invites and keep them in soft copy. I’ll try to do a neat little package with goodies-a-plenty and not a single shred of paper need to be sacrificed. This project does need a little more effort and I hope my guests will have my same sentiments in creating a Green wedding.

So, guests, please be convinced. Paperless invites doesn’t mean lesser sincerity. Maybe, just think of it as, moving with the times eh?

And I promise, our invite will not take up much space at all. You don’t even have to give up valuable space on your fridge door.