our test shots at the airport

Before we got started with our actual engagement shoot, we did some test shots. Just the 2 of us, and a remote control. And surprise, surprise, we chose to do the test shot at the airport because I used to work around the airport, and my then-boyfriend drove me to and fro the airport quite a bit for 3 years or so.

These are some of the shots that we got!

This is one of my favourite, I only wish I'd done extra to lessen the exposure during the shoot... but we were too busy trying to hide the remote and ignore the stares of the security guard and trolley attendant at the door

We call this, The Travelator Series

... and it's the most fun we had!

my favourite!

As you can see, everything is all over the place, there was the initial awkwardness that we were posing non-stop in front of an unmanned camera on a tripod, and then there were times when I got stage fright and froze. Stefan, on the other hand, had too much fun with the remote. Maybe I should post some outtakes, what’d ya think?

The shoot did take longer than we thought, but I guess it was some good practise we got there, and overall, a really memorable experience.

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